Online Exclusives

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A Bit of Jumping

I know it’s nothing compared to the snow and ice at home, but the last two days have been a bit grey here in Ocala so we brightened things up with a bit of jumping today. We reset the jump field as the footing was getting a bit worn around the
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King Brian

I’m super excited to introduce you to King Brian an Irish gelding belonging to a great friend of mine Megan Woods. This winter he will stay with us at Chesterland South and join in all our fun at the 2* level. I hope to have him in a few team t
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Hay in Florida is always expensive. It is mostly trucked in from quite a distance, some from Canada and some from the mid-west. Usually the quality is excellent, but it is not unusual to pay $17 – $20 U.S. per 60lb bale. It’s, therefore, rath
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The Nine Points of Saddle Fit

As we head into spring, it’s time to put our thoughts into ensuring that all of our tack and equipment will work for the upcoming training months, and for the shows we intend to compete in. Especially if your horse has been ‘laid off’ for the w
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All’s Quiet

Today was quiet both north and south of the border. We felt lucky this past weekend that we are all either far enough south or far enough north to have missed the full wrath of Jonas. Many of our friends in Pennsylvania and Virginia are digging out a
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Proud of the Team

Last night was the awards banquet for the National Capital Horse Trials Association. Tori and Alex Morgan represented Team O’Hanlon. We had a great showing and we were very proud of our up and coming riders and horses. Most of the horses Selena and
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Woody’s First Outing

Well, it was a chilly morning and Anne Marie braided Woody beautifully as per usual. When we arrived at Longwood we were told we are over achievers with our braids. I didn’t realize no one was braiding. Oh well makes the video and pictures look
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Dresden Leaves

Another of my lovely horses left to it’s new forever home and his new mum. It is so bittersweet when you know you have done everything right for them, but it’s time to let go and have them start their new life. I love buying horses, I love owning
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Solo Gets to go to Ocala

I am so enjoying being able to go over to the barn once a day and see the horses. A walk round the barn is my physio time and it’s the highlight of the day. The horses all look fat and glossy and I just swell with pride as I do my tour. Selena had
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A Hive of Activity

Today was my first visit to the barn since December 2nd, the day before my surgery. I got the OK yesterday to walk outside on dry flat surfaces. I am as slow as a turtle but I made it there, got to go around and say hello to all the boys and girls. I