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The Time it Takes

We won’t even talk about North of the border, suffice it to say that all the icky stuff from yesterday is now frozen solid and our horses were ‘indoors only’ again. We are getting to the stage of trying to be inventive of new games to play in t
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Big Bounce

Today started off with a trip to Canadian team coach Clayton Fredricks’ farm for a show jumping lesson on Woody. He was a very good boy and we did the biggest bounce I’ve ever done, I think. It was actually two bounces made of three verti
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Trot Sets and Tornados

Today was pretty quiet both sides of the border. The ponies in Ocala did trot sets, which means they work in pairs. Anne Marie and Selena will ride one horse and lead either one or two more and go out and do ‘trot sets.’ Trot sets are an absolute
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Rummy’s First Jumps

The tornado watch in Ocala fizzled out into a Wind Advisory. Unfortunately the weather was bad enough to cancel the Florida Horse Park’s schooling day, which was a disappointment. Kelly Damp arrived to ride her Zephyr and Thunder had a last schooli
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Name Taxing

One of my most dreaded tasks at the start of the year is making sure Leslie, my, and every horse in the barn’s memberships, registrations and passports are up to snuff. Due to the cultural diversity of my little family you can imagine how ridiculou
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Rummy didn’t do it today, but one day he DID walk over the log on top of the ‘hump’ on his way home from a hack. All by himself! He is terribly calm under saddle and brave without getting silly. He has responded quickly to being asked to ‘sta
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One of the things I see often – even with professional riders – is that the rider is not sitting straight on the horse (especially obvious when you see the rider from behind!). You will find good examples of this in almost any equestrian publicat
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On Florida Time

It’s been awhile since I blogged, but I can’t believe how much we have done in that time! Time has this way of going a bit funny in Florida and I am never sure what day it is and whether time is going super fast or super slow. I still haven&#
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King Brian’s First Time Out

Well today was a great day at the office! On Wednesday we went to the Florida Horse Park for a wonderful opportunity to school all three phases. I only did dressage with Woody. I had some good quality work, but at the cost of some anxiety in the move
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Rummy’s Big Boy Hack

After yesterday’s excitements, today seemed a bit of a let down. We were practicing cross country indoors here in Canada. We were working on pace into a skinny, a spread and a double bounce. It’s difficult to get enough cross country practice, an