Online Exclusives

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Saddle Fitting Hell

Saddle fitting Hell. I have seen this term used many times in various chat forums to indicate general unhappiness with the whole procedure of having to buy a(nother) new saddle because the old one no longer fits or works. Even though over the years s
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Arrived at Rolex

Well sometimes you have to take the rough with the smooth. Yesterday afternoon was our vaccination day. I didn’t bother mentioning it because it’s boring…right? We all vaccinate, and with our horses travelling around so much we vaccinate every
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The weekend before Rolex

OK, only two days at once this time LOL I am doing a little better on this run up to Rolex. Yesterday was a zoo. Anne Marie had to get to Syracuse for a 6pm flight. She had assumed all week that she was going to be able to ask her ever accommodating
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Hi All – This is Jennifer Anstey here to hijack Karen’s blog for one post. For those of you that don’t know me, I own Horse Publications Group of which this website is a part. I’ve read Karen’s last two posts and having just returned home f
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Breaking News: EC Rips Off Own Logo

No, I’m not joking. Last night at the EC Convention gala, EC’s much anticipated new brand was unveiled…to much eye-rolling. It’s another classic ‘couldn’t make this s@*t up’ moment, courtesy of our nationa
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Three Days in a Row

Wednesday Thursday and Friday, ok, I admit it, the days got away from me. It continues to be hectic with the OTTBs, Riley and Zephyr home, and all the horses being got fit for the upcoming Ontario Season. I think everything kicks off in the first wee
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Look Out Rio, Here Who Comes!

Last week the USEF issued a press release announcing the names of ten riders and 16 horses (Beezie’s got four!) short listed for the US Olympic Show Jumping team.  Yesterday, my Google Alerts included a story from the Irish Times about the
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Hills, hills, and more hills.

Busy day here. My guests from Europe were given rakes and sent out into the paddocks, they look exhausted. It’s great to have the extra hands here for the spring clean up. The outdoor arenas were harrowed for the first time this year and all the ho
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Saddle Fitting Top 10 Lists

I remember a couple of years ago when David Letterman was still on TV and his ‘top ten’ lists were probably my favourite part of his show. So I thought it would be a fun idea to post some ‘top 10’ lists that I have compiled over the years; ma
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Quiet Mondays

Monday is always a difficult day to blog. I mean, it’s the horses day off almost everywhere in the world isn’t it? I have had Monday or part of Monday off for almost my whole life, it’s a ‘do nothing’ day. But then do nothing usually just m