As promised, I’ve done some digging into Abdullah Sharbatly’s complete lack of show results which would prove his achievement of the FEI Certificate of Capability – which is required for Olympic participation. I’m sure Grania
Online Exclusives
Just a brief intro to the latest video supplement from SS: This is his reading of my Circus Continues post from a couple of days ago. I’ll be back in an hour or so with more on the show jumping. Can’t talk now, don’t want to miss
Here is SS with my post about how my days in London go – at least that’s how they went before the proverbial shit hit the proverbial fan tonight when Eric Lamaze showed us all what he’s made of by saying he will not wear the Canadia
Today’s post should be read while listening to the following soundtrack: It’s official. These Olympic equestrian events truly are a three ring discipline circus. A trilogy of tribulations…a hat trick of high drama. The media is l
I’m sure you have all been crying in your chardonnay about the absence of a video accompaniment to my blog of several days ago, the one titled Royal Goodbye. I’ll spare you the details of the technical difficulties and get right to the go
Greetings from London town. So Karen has nipped off on hols, but foolishly left her log-in details here with me in Blighty. Ergo, I’m taking the liberty of blogging in her absence. She also accidentally left Harriet (remember – the rubber hor
I thought I’d take a little break from my feeble attempts at blow by blow coverage (don’t forget I’m also blogging daily or semi-daily on Straight-Up) and give you a step-by-step description of how my days usually go here at the G
To avoid the eye strain of reading, watch this video of my newest partner in blogging crime, Kenneth Brannagh’s successor to the Shakespearean throne, SS, reading the post below. Now that the eventing is behind us, we can get back to having a &
After I posted yesterday’s blog about my impressions of the opening ceremonies, I engaged the talents of a certain fine fellow whom I shall name SS for now, at least until I remember to ask him if it’s ok to share his full name with you.
Are you too knackered to read today’s post? Well now you don’t have to! Watch my private security guard SS as he reads this post with the most delightful British accent, to give you the real feel of what it’s like here in London. If