Online Exclusives

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Tuning Up for Winter Events

Things have been moderately quiet since Bromont, the only big excitements being an outing to Richland. Before Richland, Selena took Solo and Woody (aka Foxwood High) to Bruce Davidson’s for a tune up then onwards to Michigan, we certainly put t
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Foal Auction

I had a fabulous time with my Mom, but a week just flew by too quick. We did all sorts of horsey things together like going around to all the different tack stores. Each tack store is always different. It’s amazing all the little nifty things you c
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Big in France

Chorizo is popular here, which is excellent for his self esteem. He is welcome everywhere: bars, restaurant patios, beaches, even shops. And he’s not alone. There are dogs everywhere here. The Corsicans hunt wild pigs and boar with dogs, and every
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Close Encounters of the French Kind

As expected, the deeper I burrow into the mountains and beaches of Corsica, the more London fades in my rear view mirror. It took a surprisingly long time to settle into the mind-vacancy this holiday deserves (I’ll blame EC for getting me wound
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End of Summer

This summer has just flown by way too fast, but I am ending August in the best way possible. My Mom is coming for a visit, which I am really excited about. It feels like years since I have seen my family. She is coming to get a horsey fix and see the
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Hard to care from over here

Did you vote? I did, but I must confess it was a struggle. When the first sight that greets you as you open your eyes in the morning is something like that in the image below, it’s tough to channel all that beauty into unsavoury thoughts about ECâ€
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Post-mortem: London

I suspect that if this is an Olympic post-mortem, there will be a post-post-mortem and possibly even a post-post-post-mortem in the coming weeks. A gig as fat as this five ring circus inevitably has stories that trail off like comets, and a few fanat
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I had an amazing opportunity to be able to go to London for a few days to experience the Olympics and watch the Grand Prix Special. It was truly incredible. The atmosphere in the city reminded me when Vancouver had the Winter Olympics. Everything is
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Five Days of History

The last five days I have been in Krakow and Berlin. I loved Krakow (Poland). It’s a beautiful city and very clean. With its cobblestone streets, it felt like you were stepping back in time, but still in the present with all these little restaurant
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War of the Words

This is getting to be like a three-way tennis match – or maybe more like a boxing match, but with fighters in three corners: “In the blue corner we have the supporters of Tiffany and Eric, who have come out swinging. In the red corner we