Lunging is a technique that is invaluable in the training of the horse – a precursor to the double-lunge, work in-hand, and ridden work. I therefore use it quite extensively with any age or ability of horse.

The equipment needed for lunging includes:

  • Bridle – if the reins are left on then they must be twisted up safely through the throatlash.
  • Lunge cavesson
  • A saddle with stirrups removed or run up and tied, or a lunge roller
  • Brushing and over-reach boots, especially for young horses
  • Side reins (optional)
  • Lunge line at least 10m (33’) long
  • Lunge whip

While lunging the trainer should wear a hard hat, gloves, and protective footwear. The lunging ring should ideally be a 20m circular fenced area; the next best option is a corner of an arena. Try not to lunge in big open spaces, which will invariably lead to the horse trying to drift away from you.
