In the August issue we examined the lower dressage levels; this time, four world-class judges offer advice for getting top marks in prix St. Georges, intermediate 1/2, and grand prix tests.

The Inside Track

FEI 4* judge Gabriel Armando of Ringoes, NJ, has judged international competitions in 20 countries, including the NAJYRC, World Dressage Challenge, two Pan American Games, and many World Cup qualifiers. He says, “I like to see a rider truly prepared before executing a movement.” A judge who continues to compete at the FEI level, Gabriel says, “In order to improve one’s scores, one must not only strive to master every exercise of the test, but to improve one’s mastery of the connection and the half-halt, and delve deeper into improving one’s technique and feel.”

Cesar Torrente of Colombia, international FEI 4* dressage judge and FEI competitor, was twice on his country’s gold medal team in the Central American Games. Cesar reminds us that judges reach a score for any individual movement through the following methodology: basics + criteria ± modifiers = score. Basics are rhythm; relaxation; contact; impulsion; straightness and bend when required; and collection, lightness of the forehand and self-carriage. Criteria are the requirements of each movement. Modifiers include size, accuracy, geometry, and corners. Note that they are plus or minus, so can improve or lower your score.
