Lorraine MacDonald, Equestrian Canada senior dressage judge and retired FEI 4* dressage judge, was formerly an FEI grand prix competitor herself. Through the FEI Challenge Tours, Lorraine has judged and given clinics in South America, Asia, India, and Africa, and was involved in Canadian team boot camps in preparation for Pan Am Games and the London Olympics. In her own words, Lorraine is always looking to award the elusive “10.”

“People give away so many marks when showing,” says Lorraine, based on what she sees from the judge’s seat. “Judges expect every dressage horse, from beginner to Olympian, to be ridden at an even, ground-gaining, unconstrained walk; to have a supple, regular, active trot with elasticity and impulsion coming from behind; and a united, cadenced, three-beat canter.”

Having said that, Lorraine remarked that she’d often rather be coaching riders than judging, and gives us an inspired sense of what we could accomplish ourselves through practice.
