You are being judged from the minute you enter the ring to the minute you exit, so give yourself every opportunity to succeed.

Plan your entrance

You are presenting yourself and your horse to the best of your ability, so plan your entrance accordingly. To start with, enter the ring and pick up the right diagonal and canter lead. You would be amazed at the amount of times I see this done incorrectly! Even in the hunter classes the correct diagonal is important, although not as much as in the equitation ring, where picking up the incorrect diagonal is certain death and puts you out of the ribbons immediately.

In the hunters, determine the best way to show your horse off, both entering and exiting. This depends on your horse: if it has a bad trot, walk in and pick up the canter to show off the better gait. If it has a good trot, show the trot before you pick up the canter.
