Since event rider, trainer and coach Gwen Lehari and her husband Rein established Reindalyne Farm in Uxbridge, ON, 30 years ago, numerous young horses have been started under saddle at the farm, as well as many off-the-track Thoroughbreds who have come to be repurposed for new careers.

For more than a decade, Gwen’s eventer daughter Kendal, 26, who is shortlisted for the 2014 Canadian National Team, has been assisting her mother in training their own young horses and those owned by clients. The Leharis like to start young horses in the fall of their two-year-old year, put four to six weeks of training on them, then leave them for the winter before restarting them in the spring of their three-year-old year.

The Leharis have had great success with their systematic, consistent approach to training. Gwen handles the groundwork, then Kendal steps in when it’s time to back the youngsters and begin their under-saddle work. Here is their system for starting horses late in their two-year-old year.
