In a jumper equitation class with a time allowed, how hard are you on a rider who exceeds the time?

It depends on how much they are over and how the rider’s performance compares to the other riders in the class. If they outride the others and are only slightly over the time allowed, then I won’t penalize them harshly. If the others ride just as well and within the time allowed, then exceeding the time becomes my tie-breaker.

How long should a halt be held when asked for in an equitation class?

About 3-5 seconds, then continue on.

If you think the jumps are set at the wrong height for a class, do you ask the jump crew or the course designer to check them, or do you not say anything?

The correct person to nicely ask is the course designer, as they may have a reason to have the jumps set lower than the standard height for that division on a particular day. For example, the first jump may be set lower to be welcoming and inviting, the footing may be deep or hard, or the ring may be too small to safely accommodate jumps set at the maximum height. There are a host of other reasons that the jump height might be modified; ultimately, it is the course designer’s call as to how the jumps are set.
