In a ride-off test with the top four riders, three do not complete the tests. For example, one doesn’t halt, another doesn’t trot the trot jump, and the other doesn’t hand gallop a jump. The rider called back into the ride-off in 4th place completes all of the required tests. How would you place these riders?

All four riders come back into the ride-off with a clean slate. The rider brought back in 4th place easily moves to the top as the clear-cut winner in this case as the only one to complete all of the tests.

A rider comes into the ring, picks up the canter intentionally going the wrong way, then canters across the diagonal demonstrating a lead change before heading to the first jump. How do you judge that?

This is too showy and ill-advised. I will score it as an incorrect lead to start your course. If you are doing it to catch my attention, then you have … but not favourably!

Do you have a symbol for a disastrous jump?

It is simply an “X,” which says it all. It is definitely a symbol you don’t want to see on my card, and hopefully there are sufficient good trips to put it out of the ribbons!
