At the end of a ride-off test, do you ask the riders to walk, sit trot, post trot, or canter back to the line?

I won’t ask riders to return to the line at a walk, as it takes too long and it’s not enough of a test of their skills. Many judges tend to ask for sitting trot, but I find it is usually poorly done. Posting trot is smoother and more workmanlike. Cantering right to the line is prompt and direct, and demonstrates skill with a smooth and efficient transition to the walk, so it is my preferred way to have riders end their test.

Have you ever been asked to comment on a round and provide advice directed at offering improvement?

I get this quite often and I am always careful to comment on the performance of the round only, without providing advice. When a judge provides advice relating to improvement, they run the risk of creating some conflict between the rider and the trainer. The trainer may have a completely different technique in mind (based on their knowledge of this specific horse and rider) than that of the judge. I usually respond to this request by saying that I am not at liberty to offer suggestions for improvement.

When the horses or ponies jog back for soundness and one seems off, can you single that one out to jog alone? What about a reluctant pony who does not want to jog at all?

You need to jog the entire class, so you cannot single out the questionable one to jog alone. The entire class must re-jog. When one is not willing to jog, as will happen especially with reluctant ponies, then just that one, with some encouragement, can jog alone.
