In your opinion, which is worse, running away and leaving out strides, or going too slowly and adding?

My mantra is safety first, so slow and steady wins this race over the running and subtracting round.

Warmbloods today are dominant in the hunter and equitation rings. They have become more refined, breedier and lighter as compared to the heavier, European type. When you have two equal rounds but one horse is lighter and typier and the other is the heavier, course type, which do you choose?

You will most likely go with the more refined, breedier type. The traditional North American hunter and equitation horses were originally Thoroughbreds that typified the lighter, refined build. European breeders are now recognizing this and building this type into their Warmblood lines, moving away from the heavier, course-type build. Simply put, the overall presentation appears more graceful and athletic when the lighter and breedier horse is used.

For flat classes, do you prefer judging from the inside or outside of the ring?

I prefer to judge from outside of the ring for a number of reasons. I have a much better view with some distance between the rider and myself. Many riders feel they have to ride close up to me in order to be seen, but the opposite is actually true. If I am inside the ring while judging I can easily miss something, because I will be constantly spinning around in order to see all of the action. Finally, it’s much more safe being outside of the ring, as I have a lesser chance of being run over!
