I have a good hunter round – an even pace, good jumps, the horse moves well and looks the part – but he pins his ears back over the jumps. How much do you penalize him for this?

I don’t love it. If another horse goes equally well, but wears his ears forward, then he goes ahead. Remember, it’s a jumping contest first and ears should not beat out the best jumper, but it could be the tie-breaker given an otherwise equal performance.

Before a flat class is called to order and the riders and horses are working around the ring, are you judging them and jotting down numbers?

Yes, I sure am! I do this so that when the class is called to order, I can watch even more closely while not writing, ensuring that I won’t miss anything. This is all the more reason why you should be showing your best and not training.

A rail comes down without the judge or the jump crew noticing it. The next horse jumps that fence rail-less. As a judge, what do you do?

This is a free one with no penalty; they simply got to jump a lower jump. This can happen so easily during a long and busy day, so both the judge and the jump crew need to pay strict attention.
