When a horse lands cross-cantering for a few steps after a jump, how hard are you on that if it is an otherwise great jumping round?

I always say it is a jumping contest, first and foremost. If the others have not jumped as well, then I will not punish that rider for it. A few cross-cantering steps are in no way a major fault; it is easily corrected and then on to the next jump.

What score would you give for a rail rubbed and left up on the lip of a cup?

While the rider is lucky that the rail did not fall on the ground, rubbing the jump hard enough to bounce the rail up onto the lip of the cup still alters the height of the jump, so the highest possible score would be a 60.

At the end of the course are you allowed more than one circle?

Not really, but I rarely notice this being abused. Just remember, one circle to start, one circle to finish!
