Which is worse – cross-cantering or counter-cantering around a turn?

Both are not good, but if I had to choose one, it would be counter-cantering, as that tells me that no attempt at a lead change was made.

What would you, as a judge, say is the biggest issue with the hunter and equitation divisions today?

A big question, but I would have to say in the hunter world there are too many low height divisions and in the equitation world the riders have no release.

As in dressage judging where a scribe is used, do you think that hunter and equitation judges would consider going that route?

Interesting; it would really allow you as the judge to see all of the action in the ring, as there would be no looking down to mark your card. Personally, I want to keep my own card and not have to tell someone what I want to write down, so in my opinion it is not a good idea.
