What type of contact are you looking for in a hunter under saddle class? Do you have an image of how you would like the hunter to carry his head and neck?

To start with, the winner of an under saddle class should move well. My definition of a good mover is a long, low, athletic stride in a relaxed manner. I prefer a horse that appears elastic and supple, that moves lightly with a reaching swing from his shoulder, versus one that moves too flat and only from its elbow. I like a horse with a strong push behind that reaches well under itself without high hock action. These traits should be noticed at the trot and canter, as well as the walk. The walk, too often overlooked, should be long and relaxed, rather than tense and ready. In under saddle classes, the walk is the transition gait between the trot and canter.

The true hunter ‘look’ is a horse with good movement, manners, balance and expression. I like to see the neck stretch out in a natural-looking carriage. A neck carried below the withers creates a horse moving on the forehand, and a neck raised too high creates a hollow back.

I like to see the rider have a light feel of the horse’s mouth. The degree of flexion depends on its conformation. Never should the contact with the horse’s mouth appear muscled or contrived. The wagging of the bit or the horse’s head to create flexion is never acceptable.
