Not long ago it was thought the human brain finished growing by the age of three, but modern imaging technology has proven that your brain is actually capable of growing (and even changing its shape) well into adulthood. Regardless of whether it’s learning to ride a horse or speak a new language, your brain is capable of growing and changing just like you are. This is called neuroplasticity, “neuroelasticity,” or neurogenesis, and provides scientific proof that the growth mindset is real.

Your brain has billions of neurons, each with thousands of connections to other neurons. They meet at synapses and communicate via neurotransmitters, which ultimately create your thoughts, skills, and behaviors. Every time you have a new experience, your brain creates new connections between them, and every time you have that same experience again, your brain strengthens those connections. In time, these connections become wired together, much like a forest path that gets more defined over time. Eventually, these wired connections allow skills and behaviors to become automatic (muscle memory) because when one fires, so does the other. In other words, neurons that get wired together get fired together.


London taxi drivers undergo intensive training to memorize the thousands of complex city streets. Musicians dedicated endless hours learning their instruments. Perhaps it’s no surprise that MRIs have found larger-than-average memory centers in the brains of London cab drivers, and larger-than-average auditory centers in the brains of musicians.
