Every January, hundreds of Canadian equestrians leave the Great White North and flock south to the sunshine circuit. Take a peek at how they balance training, showing, work, school, and yes, even have some fun. At any given time between January 1st and March 31st, there are roughly 400+ Canadian riders competing on the winter circuit shows in California, Arizona and Florida – plus their entourages of grooms, trainers, friends and families.

Sam Walker

Five winters in Welly World

Fourteen-year-old Sam Walker inherited his love of riding and horses from his parents, well-known trainers Scott and Dee Walker, owners of Forest Hill Farm in Caledon, ON. “As soon as I could walk I was in leadline,” Scott recalled. “My first pony was named Poptart. I’d say Poptart taught me the most of all the ponies I rode. I’m really grateful for that pony.”
