The International Jumping Riders Club (IJRC) has pressured the FEI to change the blood rule so that disqualification only applies when there is evidence of “excessive use” of spurs. FEI Rule 242.3 in Jumping Regs states Mandatory Disqualification if:

3.1: Horses bleeding on the flank(s) in the mouth or nose or marks indicating excessive use of spurs or of the whip anywhere on the Horse. (In minor cases of blood in the mouth, such as where a Horse appears to have bitten its tongue or lip, Officials may authorize the rinsing or wiping of the mouth and allow the Athlete to continue: any further evidence of blood in the mouth will result in Disqualification.)

I want to put the case forward that the portion of the rule regarding bleeding on the flanks caused by spurs should absolutely be maintained, no matter what pressure is brought to bear by athletes. Officials know that no rider goes into the ring trying to cut his horse. We all concur that many cases of blood on the flanks is caused in error, not in temper. However, a horse does not deserve to be cut either intentionally or by mistake.
