Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome (EGUS) is an all too common cause of poor performance in the equine athlete. There are several factors that lead to the development of gastric ulcers and while the current treatment modality is extremely effective, it takes a combination of management changes and interventions to prevent the development of future ulcers.

While everyone has an image in their head of what a horse with ulcers looks like – thin and anxious – studies have found a high prevalence of gastric ulcers in horses of all types of careers and lifestyles. Not surprisingly, top athletes like racehorses and endurance horses have an extremely high incidence of ulcers, up to 98%. However, in a group of Thoroughbred broodmares living on pasture with no clinical signs, 71% had ulcers. Another study looking at asymptomatic pleasure horses found ulcers in 53%. So even though your horse many not be an upper level athlete, anxious, stressed or showing clinical signs, gastric ulcers may still be present and affecting their performance.

In order to understand how ulcers form and how we can prevent them we must first know the anatomy of the horse’s stomach and the protective barriers that nature has provided. The lining of the equine stomach is divided into two sections, the squamous mucosa and the glandular mucosa. The squamous mucosa covers the upper portion of the stomach. This portion of the stomach does not produce any secretions that contribute to the digestion of feed. Because it does not secrete acids, it also does not produce a protective barrier for itself against these corrosive agents.
