Winter can be the perfect time for your horse to catch up on hair growth because irritants like flies and mud usually don’t factor into the equation. No amount of braiding or conditioning can transform sparse locks into flowing waves, but you might be surprised how much a little extra care and maintenance will improve the overall health and strength of your horse’s mane and tail.

So before your resort to roaching out of utter frustration, take advantage of these last few months of winter to encourage hair growth.

Assess Your Hair Care

Does your horse have chronically itchy spots, bald patches, or large tangled snares? There might be an underlying cause for your horse’s stringy, rubbed-raw mane other than genetics. Perhaps she’s allergic to something, or she loves a good rub on her favourite tree or fence post, or maybe she’s turned out with tail-chewers? Take into account whether your horse is blanketed and whether this will affect the hair on her neck and especially her withers. If there is no obvious culprit that can be easily fixed, you might want to consult with your vet about nutritional options or possible underlying health conditions.
