What is the difference between a registered, licensed and certified coach, and is there an advantage to pursuing EC coach status?
Whether you ride dressage, eventing or hunter/jumper, your horse must be able to travel in a straight line for accuracy and even soundness.
If this has always been an elusive or misunderstood aspect of your training, here is a step-by-step breakdown to demystify it.
At a recent Christilot Boylen clinic in Kelowna, BC, the focus was on proprioception as a vital element of good riding.
Not all corners are the same at every level; learn the differences in shape and how to impress the judge with perfect three-loop serpentines.
The innovative program is benefitting the industry by providing Ontario horse businesses with skilled staff and subsidized wages.
The traditional Training Scale focuses on the development of the horse ‒ but what about the rider's skills moving up the pyramid?
A look at some of the colleges in North America which offer courses in all things equine, from veterinary to race riding to breeding.
The top Canadian dressage rider and popular coach talks about opportunities, biomechanics and how her Olympic goals were set from a young age.
In this episode of 'Hitting Your Stride', Tracey Mitchell ventures onto unfamiliar ground with top barrel racer Caleb Clingen.