Randy Roy is a senior international judge, course designer and author. He owns and operates Hunters Glen Show Stable in King, ON, with his daughter, Ryan Roy.
Introducing youngsters to tack should just be part of the natural progression of training. Properly prepared, a two-year-old should take the experience in stride. Armin Arnoldt of Dreamscape Farm describes the early steps which should be accomplished long before a rider sets foot in the stirrup.
What it is, and why it's not just for dressage horses
Randy Roy is a senior international judge, course designer and author. He owns and operates Hunters Glen Show Stable in King, ON, with his daughter, Ryan Roy.
At one time a student of both Bertalan de Nemethy and George Morris, Mac Cone is a master of flatwork.
Before you tackle the first course at an event, there’s one initial factor that might present a challenge for you and your horse: the start box.
Randy Roy is a senior international judge, course designer and author. He owns and operates Hunters Glen Show Stable in King, ON, with his daughter, Ryan Roy.
There are many factors that influence the jumping style of a horse, along with the rider's position, will affect how well a horse jumps with its front end.
One of the keys to successful cross-country riding is having a sense for pace and completing as close as possible to optimum time.
Karen Pavicic offers some advice and exercises to improve this important movement in lower-level tests.