The automatic release is a skill that has fallen by the wayside in recent decades, much to the chagrin of many of today's top riders and trainers. When executed correctly, it gives riders the advantage of a direct line of communication with the horse, from beginning to completion of the jumping arch.
The rein back is found in dressage tests from second level to grand prix.
Even though these lessons should be taught from the get-go, riders often let their horses get away with 'moving violations' during mounting and dismounting.
Randy Roy is a senior international judge, course designer and author. He owns and operates Hunters Glen Show Stable in King, ON, with his daughter, Ryan Roy.
Randy Roy is a senior international judge, course designer and author. He owns and operates Hunters Glen Show Stable in King, ON, with his daughter, Ryan Roy.
Surviving the circuit
Randy Roy is a senior international judge, course designer and author. He owns and operates Hunters Glen Show Stable in King, ON, with his daughter, Ryan Roy.
Whether it's during the circuit at the show grounds or at home indoors during the winter, there are times when the available equipment or space can be limited.
A rider may feel they need to circle in order to relax their horse, but the first jump towards the ingate really means get right to it!
Retraining Thoroughbreds for Eventing with Lorraine Laframboise