There are some inherent changes to an older horse's nutrient needs, further complicating the situation are changes to the horse's teeth, behaviour, etc.
Working with an equine nutritionist is important to ensure that horses are getting the nutrients they need to meet their potential.
Work with an equine nutritionist to formulate a feeding program to ensure your athlete is receiving the fuels it needs to meet its performance potential.
In some humans with celiac disease, sensitivity to gluten causes a host of physical problems such as inflammation, gas, bloating, and diarrhea.
Fortified with protein, vitamins and minerals, commercial feeds help meet the horse’s nutritional needs where cereal grains alone might be lacking.
There are several supplements available for horses that have an intended purpose. In this article, different supplements and their purposes are highlighted.
Much of a foal’s future health depends on feeding and receiving adequate nutrition in utero, once it is born, and through to its first birthday.
After ensuring all basic nutrients are met, if your horse still has bad feet, there are a few things that an owner can feed to improve hoof quality.
Colic is a term used to describe digestive upset which can be caused by several conditions associated with the gastrointestinal tract.
If you feed cereal grains rather than commercially-prepared feeds, you should be very careful to fortify your horse's diet with a vitamin/mineral source.