Three seconds is about the time it takes you to sneeze. Or if it’s added to your jumping score in a Major League Show Jumping gold medal round, the time it takes to hand the gold to Team Eye Candy and settle for silver. That’s exactly what happened Friday night at Thunderbird Show Park in the MLSJ Team Competition presented by Premier Equestrian.

Taking place over three rounds, speed and rails determine which teams move on and which ones go back to the barn in rapid succession. Modelled after other major league sports and F1, the MLSJ team event is now in its third year and boasts an impressive roster of top horse and rider talent. The 10-stop tour starts at tbird and spans three countries, offering $11,000,000 in prize money in 2023; $1,000,000 of which will go directly to the Team Final in December.

Round one quickly established who was in it to win it and as Eye Candy anchor rider Amy Millar said, “You can’t win them all if you don’t win the first one.”
