Equine Canada (EC) is putting the call out to all Canadian equestrians, looking for those willing to lease their horses for the inaugural Thunderbird Touch of Class International Para-Dressage CPEDI 3*, running June 8-12, 2016 in Langley, BC.

The first CPEDI 3* competition held in Canada since 2010, the event will act as a crucial stop on the road to qualifying for the 2016 Paralympics, which will be held in Rio de Janeiro, BRA later this year. Leasing a horse to a para-dressage rider for this exciting Canadian competition is an amazing way to take part in equestrian sport at the highest level.

Horses with a variety of skills, from walk/trot through Prix St. Georges, are needed, and must be exclusively available beginning June 1, 2016. To be considered, horses must be in good physical health and demonstrate a steady, kind, and tolerant temperament. Previous show experience is required and all horses need to be well accustomed to noises and crowds.
