Lauren Hayes of Mono, ON, riding Golden Boy won the $20,000 Grand Prix at the Ottawa National show jumping tournament on Saturday, September 18, 2021, held at Wesley Clover Parks in Ottawa, ON.

Doubling her chances for victory, Hayes entered two horses in the Grand Prix and qualified both for the jump-off. She was joined by four other horse-rider combination who also jumped clear over the track set on Wesley Clover Parks’ grass field by Canadian course designer, Pierre Burch. Five more entries also left all the rails in place but exceeded the tight time allowed of 72 seconds to miss qualifying for the jump-off.

Hayes was first to return for the jump-off with Icon NR, an eight-year-old gelding (Lupicor x Numero Uno) owned and bred by her family’s North Ridge training and sales business. A tight turn back led to having one rail down, eventually leaving the pair in sixth place with a time of 45.75 seconds.
