VanderPloegMar17.jpgOttawa, ON – At the Palm Beach Dressage Derby, the Canadian Grand Prix riders all wore the traditional khaki trousers, white shirt and navy blazer, as Canadian riders always do for the official Horse Inspection.  In addition, they also sported the very first Dressage Canada silk ties and scarves, which Dressage Canada will release for sale during the Dressage Canada Hall of Fame Gala in April.

Through the generosity of Joe and Louise Palmer of South Lane Farm, all the Canadian Grand Prix riders were gifted with a scarf or a tie.  “I am happy to support our dressage riders,” said Louise Palmer, who is a dressage rider and a well known breeder of sport horses for dressage and jumping.

The scarves and ties feature a specially designed logo, digitally printed on the finest silk twill.  The scarves are white with navy trim, and the ties are navy with red trim.  All the riders were very pleased to receive such lovely items. “Thank you so much for the beautiful scarf!  It’s great to see the Canadian Team look like a team,” said Victoria Winter.

Liz Steacie, High Performance Marketing and Promotions leader was thrilled at the way the riders accepted the scarves and ties.  “They all looked so great, and lots of people noticed the scarves especially. I know these are going to be very popular, and our limited edition will sell out very fast I am sure!” said Steacie, who designed the logo and managed the production of the scarves and ties in conjunction with Monsoon Canada, of Montreal.

The ties and scarves will be available for sale at the Dressage Canada Hall of Fame Gala, April 25.  You may pre-order by email to