Richmond, Ontario – It was announced at the Canadian Sport Horse Association Annual General Meeting, March 7th in Calgary, Alberta that the National Foal Championship will proceed for 2009 with the possibility of more locations. Barbara Jackson has agreed to take over as Chair of the National Foal Championship (NFC) committee for a 5 year term. “I am a firm believer in this program and what it can do for sport horse breeders.  It brings the members together for some friendly competition and I think that it is a great opportunity for patrons and sponsors to show their support for this truly national initiative.  Already we have one patron and one sponsor that have stepped up to show their support.  We are definitely looking for more to help out in order to keep the National aspect. It is crucial to sport horse breeders across the country.”

From its inception in 2006, the key to running a truly national program was to be able to have one judge travel the expanse of the country, logging thousands of kilometres, to compare foals from coast to coast.  The CSHA is looking for members to eventually host at least two sites in their province in order to achieve good coverage and make it as convenient for the breeders as possible in an undertaking of this magnitude.  Lesley Marcou-Sibbitt of Ontario will again take on the cross country judging honours.  “A second opportunity to see what our Sport Horse Organization has produced is certainly worth some travelling inconvenience!”  says Lesley, “Although flight connections at 5:00 am are not fun, the rest of the tour sure is!  I feel honoured to have once again been asked to judge the National Foal Competition. I really enjoy judging the babies … they provide endless challenges because they very seldom stand still or walk and trot in straight lines. It all works itself out, though, and I love doing this job.”

The tentative schedule so far:  August 30th (Langley, BC); September 5th (Calgary, AB); September 7th (Saskatchewan); September 19th (Newmarket, ON) and September 27 (Ashton, ON). The NFC committee awaits the confirmation of the dates (September 12 or October 4) for the Atlantic Provinces.  Further dates, locations and times will be posted on the National Foal Championship page of the CSHA website as they become available.  You can also contact the NFC committee chair at

To participate in the CSHA National Foal Championship breeders must be current members and the foals fully registered by competition deadlines.  The foal grading aspects of the competition will continue and First and Second Premiums will be awarded.  Look for more information on foal grading at the CSHA website.  First and second premium sashes will be awarded as well as cash prizes.  The 2008 National Foal Champion, Daisy Duke, by Ikoon out of Ghia (Gallipoli), realized a nice size payout for her breeder/owner, Creekside Farm of Calgary, Alberta, as she won both her regional title and the national title. “The Foal Championship is a fantastic program”, commented owner Linda Ackermann, “It gives breeders a reason to get out and enjoy their foals while getting them some experience off the farm at a young age. This Championship puts a nice spotlight on stallions and the cross-Canada judging format definitely works when you look at Ikoon having winning representation from the East for two years and now this year from the West.”  Each year of the NFC, the number of stallions represented by offspring increases and the CSHA looks for the trend to continue. 

For further information, please contact the CSHA Office at 613-686-6161 or the NFC committee at