William Shatner


William Shatner to Serve as Calgary Stampede Parade Marshal

The Calgary Stampede is thrilled to announce that Canadian legend, iconic actor, active philanthropist and passionate horseman William Shatner will lead the 2014 Calgary Stampede Parade as Grand Marshal. In addition, we are proud to have Calgary based speed skaters Gilmore Junio and Denny Morrison as honorary Marshals in recognition of their unique story of […]
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William Shatner Supports FEI Award

Canadian actor, musician, recording artist, author and horse-lover William Shatner, is supporting the HSBC Rising Star category of the FEI Awards, the scheme organised annually by the Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI), the governing body of horse sport, to celebrate equestrian heroes. Shatner’s role as Captain James T. Kirk in the science fiction TV series Star […]