A lot has happened in the last little bit. I had a great visit with my mom. She had her horsey fix and I had my “mommy” time. There is nothing better than having your mom around to share your time with. She got to meet all my friends here, so now she knows a face to a name when I talk about someone. 

Vitall has been great. Anky was away the other weekend, so for the first time I had training with Sjef and all I can say is WOWEEE. I loved it. He has such a way with words and explaining everything to you, that it just sinks in. He helped us with speed control and working on test riding, He can tell every which angle to ride things and also working with speed control in the pirouettes. 

Last Sunday, I rode my first National Inter. II. Vitall and I won the class. A few small hiccups along the way. The first pi/pa tour was clear and fluid for the second pi/pa tour I starred the pi a bit too late. But extensions are improving every test, and sadly we had a small mistake in the 1 tempis – Vitall spooked and didn’t react to my leg aid.

Vitall really shocked me this show. Normally, he is as quite as a church mouse at shows – relaxed and just hangs out, but NOO…not his time. He was all wired up. There is a grass ski hill next to the competition area that he has never noticed before, but this time he heard them coming down the hill and I think he thought it was monsters out to eat him, because he nearly jumped out of his skin. But his extra energy paid off. He was just that little bit more expressive so it was a positive energy :).

I am so thrilled for our Canadian team at Pan Ams. Congrats to everyone. Next on the list is London 2012!!!!!! Let’s go Canada!!!!!


Oslo, the fashionista!

Check out Oslo’s new in style winter jacket! I saw it at the tack store the other day and couldn’t resist it. Now he is a fashionista, as the barn girls say, but he is nice and toasty warm in it because winter is on its way here BRRRRRRRR!!!