Just in case some of you out there think I am not paying enough attention to the home front, let me draw your attention to a few things going on around here. After all, even Obama paid attention to Canada last week. Horse Life, for young eyes only Equine Canada has finally crawled into the […]
Well, so much for warming up in Florida. Yowza was it cold! It was one degree Celsius on Thursday morning – minus 4 with wind chill. I know they aren’t used to that kind of weather in the orange grove, but for cripes’ sake can’t someone turn off the sprinkler systems when it is close […]
Anky Reins Supreme! AnkyAnkyAnkyAnkyAnkyAnkyAnkyAnkyAnkyAnkyAnkyAnky…etc Its name is the Exquis World Dressage Masters, but it might as well be called the Anky Masters. Honestly, the organizers could not have milked that poor woman any harder. It wasn’t enough that she was the headliner of the competition; she also gave a special clinic under the lights on […]
It’s Rumour Week! NAJYRC is ON! Plus, more fascinating grammar from FEI and WEF press releases, Madonna’s keenly felt presence in Wellington, as well as an update on what Mariette has been up to lately. My dressage freestyle design work puts me in regular contact with a number of Juniors and Young Riders. They have […]
I’m getting a bit of a late start into this year, having taken a rather long but overdue holiday over Christmas – and well into the new year. Lost in the wilds of Portugal with my husband Jan and Dachshund Chorizo (whom some of my ruder friends refer to as my two wieners), I was […]
Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog, and for those of you who have read my blogs in the past, welcome to the blog’s new home. And just to set the record straight, lest the rumour mill start grinding away (just one peek at the CoTH Forum will confirm that the horse world is not immune […]