I may have to coin a new term for the reason Anky is suing Astrid of Eurodressage: cyber-abuse. Last night Astrid issued a press release to let the world know about the law suit, which has its day in court (perhaps its first of many, perhaps not) on September 8th. The crux of the matter […]
If you are reading this and you haven’t seen the video of Ed the naughty pony, you are almost certainly in a tiny minority among horse web surfers at this point. The Youtube video called ‘Ed being very naughty’ strings together a year’s worth of clips of Ed the pony doing his best impression of […]
If you are a reader from outside our True North strong and free, you might want to skip today’s rant and instead visit the aptly named newest creation from John of EventingNation, www.hahahorses.com. Or maybe not. Maybe I won’t bore you to tears after all. Politics are politics, and one of the necessary evils of […]
In today’s world of blogs, Twitter, Face Book etc, it is almost overwhelming how quickly news circulates. I’ve been meaning to write about this fact for a while, because I think such unprecedented access benefits the less publicly popular sports such as dressage more than it does, say, soccer, which has long enjoyed instant conveyance […]
I subscribe to the ‘work hard play hard’ life philosophy, and as such have just returned from two blissfully non-horsey weeks aboard our sailboat. And lest you get any thoughts of me being a richy-rich with a John Kerry-esque $7,000,000 yacht hidden in some tax sheltered patch of dock space, here is a picture of […]
There is quite a lot going on considering it’s the dog days of summer (what does that mean, anyway?). Of course that little horse show in Kentucky this fall jut might have something to do with it, but here are a few things you might not have known or noticed: Shannon Dueck is training with […]
It’s that time of year again when Hastings Park Racetrack in Vancouver invites the city’s Dachshunds and their owners to be the between-race entertainment. We all know the horse racing industry is struggling to compete against other forms of gambling that don’t require a person to get dressed and leave the house, and nowhere is […]
It isn’t really the case with show jumping, but the dressage at Aachen is like a preview of what kind of battle field we can expect two months from now in bluegrass country. The team results won’t be final until after the Special, but I did a little math to see what the results would […]
I was working on an article about Victoria Winter’s impressive WEG-qualifying results at Blainville; since I didn’t make the trek to la belle province this year I went online to watch videos of Victoria and her American rivals who came (finally) across the world’s longest unguarded border in their own hunt for WEG qualifying scores. […]
In addition to being a muckraker, I am also intrepid, according to a slightly less intrepid blogger on The Carrot (only less so because we don’t know who you are, not because you shy away from controversy, oh no!). My Oxford dictionary reveals that intrepid means fearless or very brave. I’ll take it! I believe […]