Found 586 Results from Straight-Up

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The sky is crying on dressage

I know I promised I’d be more cheerful today but it’s raining. It’s also too early for bourbon, so take me or leave me in the cold, grumpy state in which I find myself. While the first dozen or so horses make their way through a damp Grand Prix in front of a mostly empty […]
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The grass ain’t blue but the necks is red

Ok, before I share what I had intended to post yesterday, I will release my first (and I’m sorry to say it will probably not be my last or even second last) bitch blast of this WEG. What has gone entirely wrong so far:   1. The dressage inspection (aka jog) was moved from 11 am […]
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If you don’t go to WEG, go to GDF!

No, I’m not being profane. GDF is not twitter-speek for an insult too nasty to spell out. If you a) are saving your pennies by skipping WEG and b) are a DQ or wannabe DQ, then you should head on over to the Netherlands in October for the tenth annual Global Dressage Forum. I was […]
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Follow me! My WEG blog schedule

I know there are many of you who either can’t make it to WEG or decided you would say ‘no thanks’ to the grossly inflated prices that pass for Kentucky’s tourism philosophy (if you are going to charge what the market will bear, you’d better do some research first and make sure you know what […]
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Monty Python’s Provincial Flying Circus

Well, they’ve finally done it. Just like Thelma and Louise driving off the cliff, the six hell-no provinces officially seceded from Equine Canada this week. And that is where the similarity to T & L ends (after all, truth IS stranger than fiction). Other than a few dead men whose rotten souls no one would […]
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Who is Captain Canada?

Even more pressing is the question: why is everyone’s blog starting to look like a CoTH forum? Last week it was RD’s blog, now it’s a guest post that Steph Rhodes-Bosch (the daughter I never had) wrote on EventingNation. In the post she refers to David O’Connor as Captain Canada, and boy does she catch […]
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I’m all a flutter

There is just so much to write about this week! Spruce, the Canadian Eventing team announcement, Show Jumping team announcement (which I hope will be in my inbox tomorrow), Canadian dressage fund raiser, which dabbled in human trafficking….look for one of my marathon posts tomorrow. In the meantime, you really need to catch a laugh […]
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Lost – then found – in Translation

Sorry for the delay, folks. The translation I was waiting for didn’t go up on Anky’s site until late yesterday afternoon. See, when I read Astrid’s announcement Sunday that Anky had dropped the law suit, I noticed she quoted from a press release. Naturally I went to Anky’s site to read the full release, and […]
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Come back Tomorrow

Hi everyone – just a quick ‘hello’ to ask you to tune in tomorrow for this week’s blog. I’m waiting for something important to be translated that I want to share with you. A demain!   
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Don’t love inanimate objects

I know I mustn’t but I just can’t help myself. I cherish my VW Westphalia so unreservedly (and with absolutely no common sense) that I am now buying its third engine. As one of my more sympathetic and understanding (read: fellow VW owner) friends says, ‘third time is the charm’. The van is getting an […]