Found 586 Results from Straight-Up

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No flies on you, EC!

It took them a couple of weeks to get around to it, but the good folks at EC have been in touch to let me know that, not only do they all have vital signs, but they abide by the motto ‘life is more than just surviving’. If you haven’t read my post from January […]
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Decidedly not blessed

I did something a bit naughty yesterday. Actually, there are at least two people sharing the Earth’s air with me who think what I did was more than naughty. They might even think it was reprehensible. I feel kind of badly about it, but I don’t feel really badly. Just kind of.  Here is what […]
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A Sunshine State of Mind

  Here I am, in the land of Vitamin D! I’m writing this on the balcony of the St. Andrews apartment where I’m staying with my gracious and charming host, Jenn Ward. There is a palm tree less then ten feet from me, and a busy pond frequented by exotic bird life just beyond. Gone […]
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I’m feeling pressed

It dawned on me today that I haven’t talked about made fun of any press releases for a while. It might be because I’m just so sick of them. I have never bothered to count the number of press releases delivered to my inbox every day, but I would say that between 20 and 30 is […]
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Year of the Rabbit

Chinese new year isn’t technically for another month, but when it does come around I’ll be either getting into trouble in FL or recovering from it and will no doubt forget to wish everyone a Happy Rabbit Year. The Chinese horoscope describes ‘rabbit people’ – those born in years of the rabbit – as private, […]
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One of the lesser known advantages of living in Canada compared to the US is that we can have fun with our postal codes – you can’t do much with a five (or nine) digit zip code now, can you? I’ll never forget my grandparents’ postal code at the home they haven’t occupied for 30 […]
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Follow Jaimie’s blog from YR WC

Canada’s representative to the Young Rider World Cup in Frankfurt next week is Jaimie Holland and her lovely, lovely mare Fleurina. The pair won freestyle gold at the 2010 NAJYRC so they are well qualified for this exciting gig. I’m particularly proud because since Jaimie was competing in the FEI Jr. division I have been […]
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It’s my blog and I’ll write what I want to

Sheesh! Why do I have to constantly remind people that the blog is where I get to unleash my inner curmudgeon when the mood hits me, even if that’s for weeks at a time every Wednesday? It’s kind of my virtual den or ‘library’ if you will – I imagine this blog as a 21st […]
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Woe Dressage Masters

Well, well, well. Yesterday when I dared to speculate on the real reason for the cancellation of the World Dressage Masters in Welly World, I had a moment of doubt that maybe I was being a bit too imaginative. I was not a little surprised (and to be honest, relieved) today when I came back […]
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Dear Santa:

Now that it’s December First I think I can safely send my Christmas wish list to the North Pole and know that it will be taken care of. OK, I don’t believe in Santa. I don’t actually believe in much if I haven’t seen, touched or tasted it; like Richard Dawkins, I’m a hopeless empiricist. […]