Found 586 Results from Straight-Up

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Too Good for Canadians?

You know I must have my knickers in quite a twist to post twice in one day, right? Yesterday I was doing my morning international dressage catch up on Eurodressage – something I do most days of the year. Imagine my surprise when I read for the first time about two Canadian Dressage Symposiums (symposia if […]
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In quite uncertain terms

Someone who likes to call herself Dressage Diva (and who apparently is not familiar with my well-publicized hatred of anonymous bitching) thinks I am talking out of school regarding WW III in Welly World. Perhaps through the last several weeks’ posts, in which I vacillate between being somewhat sympathetic to one point of view and […]
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Look who’s going to London!

I know, I know. I promised I would post this ‘Monday at the latest’. Please cut me a little slack. It’s just  nuts here in Welly World. More nuts even than usual. I have barely had time to eat, never mind sleep. I got here on Sunday night and it just hasn’t stopped, this Welly […]
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Smear Campaigns

Greetings from the warm and breezy World of Welly, where I am once again enjoying the colourful antics of the local population. Yesterday was the municipal election, and what a doozie it was. You think the republican primaries are a slag-fest? Those mild-mannered conservative good fellahs can’t hold a candle to the creators of the […]
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Welly World Part II

It’s not for lack of things to blog about  but the fourth dimension that has kept me away from my usual Wednesday posts this week. But I promise to make up for the wait with a post on the qualified nations for London (Azerbaijan???) to appear no later than Monday, when I will be back […]
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Who’s afraid of the FEI?

Sing it! Who’s afraid of the Big Bad Wolf FEI, the FEI the FEI, Who’s afraid of the FEI, the FEI, yes I! It’s a bit ridiculous when you think about it. Journalists should not be afraid of the international organizations that administer the sport the journalists cover. Transparency and openness on the part of the […]
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If you haven’t yet taken a gander at my new blog ‘low-down’ on the site of Horse Sport International, you are missing out. I must confess that although I suppose I ought to feel mortified that the FEI has given me a slap on the wrist for yesterday’s post about the suspension of the IDRC […]
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The FEI responds!

I am absolutely over-the-moon excited to report that this brand new blog has already attracted the attention of the FEI. Yes, it’s because I wrote something that they feel compelled to correct, but still. I don’t mind standing corrected, and I am more than happy to pass it along to you. This morning I received […]
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Woe-rld of dressage

Today’s post begins with a bit of free advice to my favourite dysfunctional organization, Dressage Queen Canada: it’s not always the case that something is ‘better late than never’. Today I received a cheerful press release entitled:  “2012 Dressage Canada calendar is now available”. Well, raise the flag. It’s only two months – or one […]
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Might Makes Right

You could say it’s a very old fashioned concept, first espoused in the form of ‘woe to the conquered’ in the works of Homer in the eighth century B.C.; but the belief that whoever is in power is the one who dictates the law is apparently still alive and well after almost three thousand years […]