Found 586 Results from Straight-Up

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Ken-adian Derby

It’s not every day Canada gets to claim credit for a winner of one of the world’s great horse races, but the Maple Leaf is stamped all over I’ll Have Another’s victory in Kentucky last week. I didn’t get to watch the race live because I was busy making a living at my ‘other’ career […]
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Woe Nellie

Or maybe that should read ‘whoa bellie’, as in Bellissimo.  A plague of locusts does seem to be descending upon Signor B. I can’t make a first hand report on the visuals at the new dressage facility, aka Equestrian Village (without the village, since that has not been approved just yet), but I have heard […]
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Non-required reading

I know it’s probable that if you come to this blog you also check my Can-Con blog Straight-Up on a regular basis, but in case you don’t and are disappointed that I haven’t yet posted an update on the yellow-tape situation at the GDF in Welly World, there is a new post on Straight-Up that […]
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Hump Day Headlines

I’ve always hated Wednesday, even though it has the cutest nickname of all the days of the week. I know ‘hump day’ is meant to say, ‘Hey! We’re half way there!’ But to me it has always meant ‘we’re only half way there.’ My aversion to Wednesday hasn’t made  sense for years because I work […]
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How I didn’t spend my weekend

There were a lot of international horsey things going on this past weekend, none of which occupied my waking hours. The first thing I didn’t do was watch Rolex on live streaming. I think  seeing Mandiba fall off the bank and break his ribs at Badminton last year might have put me off watching online […]
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Changing Guard at DQ HQ

Look out DQ Canada! There’s a new sheriff in town and she means business! Yes, as communicated in a giddy-with-excitement press release two weeks ago, Sarah Bradley has been imported from the world of Eventing to sit in the Chair of DCB through the remainder of 2012.  The release takes its jubilation so far that it […]
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I’m back!

I won’t be blogging on here until Wednesday, but if my World Cup reflections interest you at all, I would ask (with apologies to Pamela) that you click here to see what I posted on Low-Down a few minutes ago.
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His & Hers World Cup

Boys jump and girls do dressage. Sounds like a tired old gender stereotype, doesn’t it? But if the demographics of the entries in this past weekend’s World Cup Final in Denbosch are any sign, that stereotype isn’t yet ready for burial. In the dressage, just five out of 18 riders were male, which translates to […]
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Give me a Break!

I’m headed off the grid for a few days with my patient and long suffering mom, who has been waiting since February 26th to celebrate her 70th birthday with her only child. In case you want to hear the sound of my voice when I have a bad cold, give a listen to the World […]
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In Trouble Again

Yes, I’ve done it again. I’ve attracted the attention of the FEI by blogging about the IDRC. The email I received from the Communications Dept. started out by telling me there were ‘a number of inaccuracies’ in my post ‘FEI Family Feud‘, but the primary provocation that invoked the wrath of Mission Control was about […]