Found 586 Results from Straight-Up

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Dressage Rock Star 101

Are you a lower level dressage rider with lots of cash, plenty of time and an insatiable appetite for blue ribbons? Waste not one moment! Load up the rig, wrap up your horses’ legs, and head for the Global Dressage Festival, a virtual pot of gold for riders who are sick and tired of measuring […]
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Countdown to Normandy

What, you ask? Countdown to Normandy, which is still – according to the Normandy 2014 website – 525 days away? Why of course! Preparing for the second most important championship after the Olympics starts a long, long time before the competition, unless you are a Saudi show jumper. Canada’s WEG hopefuls are already busily training, […]
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ESP Unplugged

I know I promised a couple of weeks ago that I would leave the drama of Welly World alone until something actually newsworthy (as opposed to gossipworthy) happened. I should have qualified that promise so that it didn’t conflict with my previous promise to bring you the complete interview I conducted last month with (mainly) […]
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Black and Blue

Not to worry, today’s headline is not in reference to me. I have not been hauled off and beaten behind the barn by any of the several parties who might feel tempted to knock my teeth out. No, I’m talking about the sport of Eventing, which has taken a couple of power punches these past […]
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It’s all about Bromont, bro’

Last week the FEI issued a press release filled with invisible smiley emoticons about the Bromont bid proposal they ever so graciously heard in Lausanne.  The first thought that crossed my mean little mind was that, just a few years ago, someone from the FEI (I think it was Alex McLin but it might have […]
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Further Endurance Sinning

If you read yesterday’s post, you may recall that one of the UAE Endurance Sinners has an extra long suspension, partly due to the  fact that while he was provisionally suspended he continued to attend FEI sanctioned endurance races. He didn’t compete of course, but he was there hanging out. Because I had familiarized myself […]
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Dirty Rotten Scoundrels

You know, on balance equestrian sport is pretty clean (I’m talking Olympic disciplines – no hunters!), especially compared to the likes of cycling. According to a 2012 study by WADA,  cycling was the worst of the 26 Olympic sports, with 3.71% of tests coming back positive for some nasty substance or other.  At the other […]
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Fundraisers, start your engines!

As any devout cover-to-cover Horse Sport readers out there have no doubt noticed,  I have a new monthly column in that magazine that goes by the name At Issue. Each month I look for a topic that I believe is relevant, timely and preferably at least a wee bit controversial, and then I dig in. […]
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Same ol’ same ol’

When it comes to the infernal, eternal Welly Wars, I’m not surprised people have started to bury their heads in the sand. Not because the truth is too difficult to bear (oh if only we had the whole of that), but because this is getting so very, very old.  I was sent a link to […]
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Honouring the Dead

Sigh. Sometimes I feel like such a meanie for picking on EC the way I do, but they really give me no choice sometimes. Resistance is futile. When the subject line “Northern Dancer named as Equine Canada Horse of the Year Recipient“, appeared in my inbox, I wondered if I was to shortly receive a […]