Found 107 Results from Saddlefit 4 Life

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Saddle Fit and a General Rant

Okay, I have seriously had it with people who consider themselves ‘experts’ in saddle fitting just because they are leaders in their various equine-related professions (and these are usually high-level riders or other trained experts who take it upon themselves to voice their opinions about saddle fit just because they can or maybe because they’re […]
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Easy Does It

Terry Peiper is one of the first of our trained Saddle Ergonomists from 2011, working in Pennsylvania. She works mainly with western saddles, but has been trained in analysis and adjustment for English saddles as well. I have invited her to talk about her ‘epiphany’ for this week’s blog. In future blogs, I will discuss some […]
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Saddle Fit and Saddle Straightness

When I have the saddle on the horse, the tree fits, the panels are leveled, the rider is sitting in balance on both her seat bones, so statically everything looks ok. Then the horse starts moving. The saddle does what is has to do – it stays in place – and, at this moment, I […]
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A Sad But True Story

To follow is a sad, but all too common story from my own experiences… I want to tell you about a horse I met recently; a personal encounter that, unfortunately, is not uncommon in the hundreds and thousands that I work with during the course of a year. I was called out by the owner […]
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Saddle Fit and Trainer Certification

I am really gratified to see how the German professional trainer’s association, the FN, and the German National Riding School have started to see the necessity of including a module on saddle fitting for their trainer certification programs. I hope that at some point the North American factions will also agree that the value of […]
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Divergent Theories on Saddle Fitting

There are many opinions and theories on saddle fitting. Occasionally, we have even heard riders say “I have been using my saddle for x number of years. It fits me perfectly and fits every horse I use.” I have to really bite my tongue on that one, but usually just manage to smile and say […]
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A Master Saddler’s Mission

In 1982, after qualifying for the European Championships I had to retire my beautiful Hanoverian gelding due to lameness, and my riding career came abruptly to an end. I wish I knew then what I have learned in the past 25 years as a Certified Master Saddler, consulting with equine professionals around the world. After placing in German […]