Found 14 Results from On the Bit

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Life, Law and Legislation

About two weeks ago in England, a prestigious writing award for young people announced their winners and published the articles they had written. Last week, the Belgian Appeal court upheld their decision that the FEI could not penalise top athletes for competing in an unsanctioned competition (the Global Champions League) and then this week, the […]
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Dedicated Followers of Fashion

It has been a big week in horse sport. Mainly because the FEI held their annual forum to discuss pertinent matters with representatives from their stake holders and afterwards held a Bureau meeting to vote on matters, rules and policy changes once they had had that input. As the three-man Olympic team thing is now […]
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Withdrawing From The World?

The World Cup Finals in dressage and jumping have just finished. The show jumping was a spectacular competition, won by the defending title who is also the current Olympic Champion, with two other former World Cup champions in third and fourth, so no lack of quality as well as excitement. The dressage was a triumph […]
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Event Me the Money

Eventing has been the poor relation of the Olympic disciplines pretty much since horse sport was included in the Games, but suddenly two schemes have been announced in the UK, and one in the USA that might change all that. All of them have large prize funds, unheard of in eventing so far, and all […]