Found 185 Results from Cuckson Report // Pippa Cuckson

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Why is Eventing Gold Eluding the Brits?

When will the British eventing team win gold again? This has been niggling at me for some while and, it seems, worrying the elder statesmen of our sport, for whom it was quite a topic during Burghley. Rio was the first time since 1996 that Britain has returned from the Olympics without a team or […]
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Random reflections on Rio from a (very) remote control

A press release from the FEI popped into my mailbox last weekend of the sort probably not expected to be widely reproduced. FEI president Ingmar de Vos celebrated the clean sheet returned from the dope-testing of 30% of all horses (though one should surely start from the premise that we don’t expect any positives – it […]
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A Big Week for Coming “Out”

It may well be that I am preoccupied by the UK’s unceremonious “outing” of itself from Europe, but this week I can’t help but be more intrigued by the circumstances around the notable riders out  of Rio as opposed to those still hoping to be in. Confirmation that Scott Brash isn’t in the British jumping […]
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The Desperation Games, Part Two

Two of my last three blogs were about the speciousness of FEI rankings lists and the injustices of the individuals’ qualifying procedure for Rio. So it was interesting that both topics come together in the matter currently dividing the jumping community in Ireland. Irish social media has come out largely in favour of Bertram Allen, […]
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The Desperation Games

I am not keen on the FEI’s three-to-a-team proposal for future Olympics, and the inevitable catering for a lower standard of riding that will come with it. But in potentially opening up the Games to many more countries, we could at least see an end to desperate courtroom machinations like this one, recently buried in […]
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Overdue Diligence

In a long career you can’t remember every news story you ever wrote. However, one from the early 1990s sticks in my mind because it involved a conversation with Jacques Chirac, and it’s not often that a humble equestrian journalist gets her call put through to one of the most famous statesmen of his generation. […]
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Random Thoughts on the Randomness of Rankings

Last year I had quite a few conversations with the sports desk of a national newspaper which went something like this: “Hello, can I interest you in a piece about Scott Brash winning his fourth consecutive Grand Prix?” “We’re a bit short of space today because of the soccer/cricket/rugby. Remind me who he is?” “He’s […]
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Three’s a Charm

It can be rather endearing when someone who is not a native English speaker mixes their metaphors. At the end of an intense, five-hour debate about the future Olympic formats, FEI president Ingmar De Vos told me that “we can’t keeping going round and round the hot potato.” I did know how he felt, though. […]
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Return of the Bogi

Dr Hallvard Sommerseth has been suspended for a mere two years for his role in the submission of over 500 sets of bogus endurance results to the FEI.