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More Armchair Sports

It’s getting easier and easier to watch equestrian sports without having to leave the comfort of home. I resisted the temptation (and the persuasion of a couple of buddies) to get myself to Spruce Meadows for the Masters this past weekend; my decision to stay home was made easy by the fact that last week […]
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This Is Why I Ride:

Have you often wondered why we do this day after day for five minutes in the ring. I have several times. But today, I had an Aha moment after my lesson. It was such a great feeling I said to myself “THIS IS WHY I RIDE!” It was a beautiful day 25* outside it was […]
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A Little Bit o’ Lovin’

I’m slowly starting to feel better after being in bed almost all weekend resting. I got up Saturday and rode 3 horses then went strait back to bed. Same goes for Sunday, I slept in and then took Oslo and Vitall for a walk. I started riding one of the stallions here, Double Diamond, I really […]
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What to watch and not to watch this weekend

For those of you not heading out into the traffic jams at bridges and borders this Labour Day weekend, you might be looking to kill some time on the World Wide Web. One thing I cannot recommend for the moment is subscribing to FEI TV. I remember talking to a man named Christian Osterode at FEI TV […]
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Jan’s Back

Jan is back now from Windsor. So back to training. It has gone really well this week, I’m really pleased with how things are coming together. We went through our first PSG test. I had to laugh at myself because I picked up a canter and it kinda hit me that I am riding a test […]
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Dutch Treats, Deutschland Under Alles

I don’t doubt for a minute that the right horses and riders were on the podium after the European Championship Dressage freestyles on Saturday. After watching Adelinde’s ride, I wasn’t sure if Edward would beat her. Until I saw him. He did have a pretty significant mistake in the one tempis, but clearly the judges […]
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I am still forming my opinions about the freestyles yesterday in Windsor, but watch this space in the next day – I won’t be speechless for long.  
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Wowee Windsor!

Holy ravioli, look at them scores. And if you have FEI TV, look at them rides (when they eventually put up the video-on-demand coverage, that is). I’ll be tuning in tomorrow at 11:45 lazy west coast time to watch the freestyles live. I can’t even begin to imagine what the scores will be like. And […]
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Mental break through

This week has been a great week for training. I feel like I have had a mental break through with my riding. Not a huge one but little things that have added up. Jan has been really helpful giving little bits of advice about riding tempi’s and pirouettes. Every rider kinda panics when it comes […]
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Hay! I never want to lift another bail in a very long time. We had a huge semi truck come 24m long packed full of hay. It took us two days to unload the truck. It was a lot of work we were all pretty fed up by the end of it. I am fully […]