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Time to go home!

The last week went by really fast. The Christmas party was a lot of fun, the food was fantastic but not as amazing as the performance. I was so impressed by the singing. They sang mostly Swedish Christmas songs which I didn’t understand but it was ok. It was nice to be out with everyone, laughing and having […]
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New Zealand’s Total Awesomeness – Part 2

Not that the pot hasn’t been getting stirred in Horse Land – and I’ll get to that in a bit – but last week I did start a top ten list that begs to be completed. I’m still struck by how this two island country in the South Pacific can simultaneously feel so different and […]
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Christmas Festivities Have Begun!

This week has gone by really fast. I was pretty tired Monday after working the weekend. This week I’ve been riding a few extra horses since Jan is away in Texas for the USDF symposium.  I got all my xmas shopping done now. I found great Christmas cards so I was pleased. I went to […]
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Top Ten Reasons NZL is Awesome! (Part 1)

                          I hope you can forgive me, but I don’t want to talk about horses today. I haven’t been near the internet for a week; the only news that has filtered through to my holiday-addled brain, thanks to loyal blog reader Lita Dove, […]
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Sleepy Solo

I would appear to have gone to sleep, and really, that about sums it up as far as Solo is concerned.  Solo was getting prepped and ready for his night at the Royal Winter Fair when we got a letter from them asking us not to take two horses.  It was an option when Selena […]
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I don’t mean the Vegas casino – I’m talking about all the ridiculous things going on right now. If anyone out there was thinking of producing a reality show based on the equestrian world, now would be an excellent time to do so. Here are a few topics that would make excellent candidates for the […]
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Sick Sick Sick :(

Not much to report over the last few days. I have come down with some sort of bug… no, not H1N1 (swine flu). Everyone here keeps bugging me that it is because I haven’t taken the shot for it. So I have just been resting, in fact all I have been doing is sleeping for […]
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He Said, She Said, NSAID

Where to start? I thought last year’s FEI General Assembly was a sizzler, but compared to last week’s pow-wow in Copenhagen, 2008 was a snooze fest. Top of the shit list this year: the Clean Sport Commission’s decision to allow the presence of things like bute and banamine in horses at FEI competitions, and the ‘yay’ vote […]
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Training Systems

This past weekend was so much fun! I went to visit Emelie, a friend I made when she used to work here. It was so nice to be in a house and have a home cooked meal. I have adopted her family as my Swedish family since mine are so far away. Oslo has also made a girlfriend […]
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Winter Training

Everything has gone well for the last week, not much going on. It has gotten really cold and it actually snowed a bit the other day! Oslo is now wearing his jacket everyday; we both bundle up every morning. Training went well this week. I sat down and had a meeting with Jan to make […]