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The other O’Hanlon team

Meanwhile back in the dark depths of an Ontario winter, the less sun soaked persons of the O’Hanlon team are working away on the horses that will start competing in May when Selena returns to Canada.  The most educated one that we get to play with this year is, of course, Heron Hill’s Wilhelmina, ‘Ena’ […]
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Olympic fever!

My flight home was rather exciting. On the plane with me were the Russian and Romania teams and the Italian and Dutch officials. It was a very colorful flight as every one was dressed in their country’s colors. Russia being the boldest in red. I sat next to one of the Italian officials. It was fun to get […]
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Selena’s WEG Prep – Training Camp

Day 1 training camp dressage Today was fantastic. It’s always a treat to watch David O’Connor, our team coach, ride Colombo. We were in the dressage arena and I worked Colombo around the ring a little in walk trot, and canter while David watched. He asked me what my plans are for the Spring. I […]
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O’Hanlon Eventing

O’Hanlon Eventing, trooped off to a show at Rocking Horse last weekend.  Rocking Horse Winter 1.  Selena took Colombo for the OI, she wanted to have her ‘eye in’ for the Advanced at Rocking Horse later in February.  Colombo rocked all weekend.  He did a good dressage test, had one time penalty with a clear […]
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Player’s: Drink and be merry, but skip the food

The social highlight of any trip to Welly World is usually a Sunday night visit to The Player’s Club, where a melting pot of polo, dressage, jumper and hunter folk mingle with horny non-horsey fellas from the neighbourhood and pretend it’s Saturday night. In keeping with the slightly askew nature of Welly World, Monday really is […]
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Bad luck

This past weekend I slipped and fell on some ice and, unfortunately, landed the wrong way. I ended up breaking my wrist. I was so angry never mind the pain! It’s awful! Oslo and I are flying home this Friday for the next 4 weeks. Since I can’t do anything (not even my hair) I […]
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This week’s update

Things have gone well again this week, Vitall is really coming along and getting lighter and lighter every day. He is starting to move through his body in a different way. He has more power coming through that I didn’t even know was there – it is an incredible feeling. The other day my lesson was almost […]
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Hello from Welly World!

I am back in the Sunshine State for my annual dose of plastic surgery radio ads and walking, talking display models of same. I spent last night shopping and dining where the rich and refurbished prance around the pink stucco haven of Palm Beach’s City Square. I hope this isn’t used against me at some future time, but I think I […]
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Unfortunately, I did not get to go watch jumping Amsterdam because all the tickets were sold out. I guess I should have planned it a bit better. Oh well, better luck next time! The weekend went by fast. I went out to the local pub with the girls from the barn. We had a lot of […]
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Oh woe is EC

 Yesterday I finally signed off on what was probably the most hideously difficult article I’ve ever written: an update on the state of affairs between Equine Canada and the provinces – namely the six provinces that have said ‘hell no’ to signing the contract EC presented them with last year. What made it so incredibly […]