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Who’s Out?

This week’s post was meant to be a final wrap up of the trip to Costa Rica. It was to be titled Judges Behaving Badly and it was going to be about the perils of dressage judging in the microscopic DQ universes of Latin American countries. In some ways the politics and tribalism of the […]
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Happy Horse

Vitall is a happy boy this week. They have finally finished the new fields so he can go out. They’ve made a few smaller ones, where the horses can’t get into a full gallop but enough space to canter and buck. The first day Vitall went mental. Leaping , bucking on the spot looking at me like “ha ha I’m […]
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Dink Frogs

They are also sometimes called Tink frogs, but I only just learned that from Wikipedia. The people in Costa Rica call them Dink frogs, and most of them don’t know that dink also means something else, so it’s cute like when your mother calls people wankers without knowing what a wanker is. Dink frogs earned […]
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It was a whirlwind trip! I never knew a week could go by so fast. By the time I was back at the airport on Saturday, I looked over at my mom and said it felt like I had just arrived. I had a wonderful time but was very, very busy with all sorts of appointments over the […]
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Summer Schedule Heating Up

Another week has whipped by. Three of the horses competed at Will O Wind, all were wonderful.  It was our three sales horses and I hope they will all upgrade successfully at Grandview this coming weekend making them eminently saleable.  It’s fun to have a string of such beauties coming along in the competition field,  […]
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Canadian Season Gets Underway

I am so very proud of Solo.  He did his first Intermediate at Wit’s End in a blizzard (no kidding) and was fantastic.  He did a really good dressage test with just one change of lead in his counter canter when he got a bit prancy.  Beautiful stadium and a lovely cross country.  There were […]
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A few more images of Paradise

The power came back on and I have a few minutes to kill before we do one last souvenir shopping spree on the way to the airport, so here are several more photos of our Costa Rican adventure.   In the land where even the fence posts grow leaves, the toad stools are actual stool-sized. […]
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Irony in Paradise

Costa Rica is so beautiful it makes me sick. And I’m not talking metaphorically. I have been to this delightfully colourful, clean, safe and wildlife-jam-packed country three times over the past three years; on each occasion I have been immediately felled by one affliction or another. This time it was a gang of microbes which […]
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Calm and Relaxing

This week has been very quiet. It’s back to fall here, pouring rain for almost a week strait, and I have had to pull out my down jackets again. A big change from 25* from the previous weeks. Just means I get all my laundry and cleaning done. Vitall has been good and had the weekend off. Saturday […]
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It felt like the Anky Pony Club on Friday morning with all of us running around gathering our gear, preparing the truck, hanging hay nets, adding shavings etc… We had Anky’s head groom Wilica’s mom drive us which was nice. She acted as everyone’s horse show mom and helped out everywhere she could. It felt nice to have a […]