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Flu Season

Vitall is all better now but has passed it on to me. Never the less, I continue to train with coughing fits in between. My boy has been a star since he has been back at work. The first few days back, I just did easy work stretching and working on transitions. The key to training this […]
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Follow Jaimie’s blog from YR WC

Canada’s representative to the Young Rider World Cup in Frankfurt next week is Jaimie Holland and her lovely, lovely mare Fleurina. The pair won freestyle gold at the 2010 NAJYRC so they are well qualified for this exciting gig. I’m particularly proud because since Jaimie was competing in the FEI Jr. division I have been […]
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Cold Season

Well this weekend I won’t be going to Uden anymore to do the practise show. Vitall has a bit of a cold so the vet suggested a few days rest and then light work with some antibiotics.  But earlier this week training went really well and I was very pleased with him. We went through […]
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It’s my blog and I’ll write what I want to

Sheesh! Why do I have to constantly remind people that the blog is where I get to unleash my inner curmudgeon when the mood hits me, even if that’s for weeks at a time every Wednesday? It’s kind of my virtual den or ‘library’ if you will – I imagine this blog as a 21st […]
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Winter has arrived here now, it has been minus 10 the past few nights. When you are riding your fingers and feet just burn. Anky is bundled up in 3 jackets teaching us but never the  less we continue to train :). We even had a bit of snow in the arena which all the […]
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Woe Dressage Masters

Well, well, well. Yesterday when I dared to speculate on the real reason for the cancellation of the World Dressage Masters in Welly World, I had a moment of doubt that maybe I was being a bit too imaginative. I was not a little surprised (and to be honest, relieved) today when I came back […]
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Dear Santa:

Now that it’s December First I think I can safely send my Christmas wish list to the North Pole and know that it will be taken care of. OK, I don’t believe in Santa. I don’t actually believe in much if I haven’t seen, touched or tasted it; like Richard Dawkins, I’m a hopeless empiricist. […]
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New Barn Feels Like Home

The new barn is beginning to feel like home.  The wooden stalls came up golden and bright after decobwebbing and a good power washing.  With it’s red cobbled brick floor, a head hanging out over every stall waiting for evening feed in the warm light from the setting sun, the barn looks wonderful.  We have […]
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Canada Catch-up

I’ve been so busy with events out there in the big bad world that I have been completely remiss in sharing all the many goings on right here in the Great White North (today that is a literal name for Canada – it’s even White outside my window here in Vancouver right now, yuck!). So, […]
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Good Pony

The beginning of this week was pretty quiet as Anky was away in Kiev. I just worked on basics, stretching, transitions suppling, etc. Vitall also had his usual lunging day so he could get his bucks out.  When it was time to go back to work Thursday, Vitall was really good, loose and soft in the […]