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Being Creative

Being creative has been the name of the game for training over the last little bit. We have to keep tricking Vitall for his 1 tempi’s because he is getting so excited and hot off my leg. If I even touch him he is ready to go and pretty much just takes off. It’s like a kid […]
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If it can go wrong…. it will

So the last time I posted I was due to head out for my two back to back trips to Florida. I was leaving on the third and expected to be back at Balsalm Hall with the rest of the gang, hunkered down for the winter schooling season by the eighth of January.  Hahaha, silly me!  […]
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Decidedly not blessed

I did something a bit naughty yesterday. Actually, there are at least two people sharing the Earth’s air with me who think what I did was more than naughty. They might even think it was reprehensible. I feel kind of badly about it, but I don’t feel really badly. Just kind of.  Here is what […]
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A Sunshine State of Mind

  Here I am, in the land of Vitamin D! I’m writing this on the balcony of the St. Andrews apartment where I’m staying with my gracious and charming host, Jenn Ward. There is a palm tree less then ten feet from me, and a busy pond frequented by exotic bird life just beyond. Gone […]
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Early Spring

It feels like spring here! It’s amazine how quickly the weather can change. Before I left Holland it was freezing with snow everywhere and now it’s 11 degrees and sunny. The last week and a bit I have jumped back into training full force and I’m really happy with the breakthroughs I’ve had with Vitall. The system we […]
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I’m feeling pressed

It dawned on me today that I haven’t talked about made fun of any press releases for a while. It might be because I’m just so sick of them. I have never bothered to count the number of press releases delivered to my inbox every day, but I would say that between 20 and 30 is […]
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Happy New Year!! Sorry for no updates for the last few weeks. I didn’t bring my computer home and I took the last few weeks to just veg out and be with my family. I’m now back in Holland after a fabulous xmas. Hope everyone had a great holiday and that 2011 brings greatness for everyone! […]
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Year of the Rabbit

Chinese new year isn’t technically for another month, but when it does come around I’ll be either getting into trouble in FL or recovering from it and will no doubt forget to wish everyone a Happy Rabbit Year. The Chinese horoscope describes ‘rabbit people’ – those born in years of the rabbit – as private, […]
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The year is almost over.

Tomorrow is Christmas 2010 and I was just sitting here at my ‘magnetic can’t move my as* away from it’ fire, thinking that it will be hard to top 2010 for excitement and thrills. There were certainly highs and lows, but mostly highs, so a memorable time.  It’s amazing how you can relegate all the […]
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One of the lesser known advantages of living in Canada compared to the US is that we can have fun with our postal codes – you can’t do much with a five (or nine) digit zip code now, can you? I’ll never forget my grandparents’ postal code at the home they haven’t occupied for 30 […]